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Read this before you buy Insurance online

Some things shouldn’t be purchased online. That’s right I said it! Sometimes you need to be able to ask questions rather than get answers to pre-defined questions that have been set up to coerce you into purchasing a product. Q:…

Accidents happen

Accidents happen, here’s what to do.

We like to think it will never happen to us but the reality is, car accident's do happen. Here's hoping that if it does occur, it's very minor. Here's a helpful checklist covering what to do if you have been…

Do I need trauma cover as well as ACC?

Right, good question and this is one that we get often. First, let’s define the role of each cover. Trauma Cover products pay out a lump sum of money if you are diagnosed with, or suffer from one of a…

How much trauma cover do I need?

Trauma cover = recovery fund. We all like to think it won’t happen to us but what if it does?The trauma itself should be the hardest thing we will face but we all know the recovery will be tough. Now…

How can I reduce my insurance premiums?

With the squeeze on finances due to recent events, let’s discuss what you can do to reduce your insurance premiums but still maintain your insurance policy to give yourself peace of mind. An easy way to reduce insurance premiums is…

Do you need life insurance? And how much?

Do you need life insurance? And how much? Helping our clients with life insurance is a key part of what we do. It’s an important topic, so we’ve answered some of the most common questions people ask us. Do I…

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